Monday, May 3, 2010

Learning with my Baby

Baby Kai has many toys - that's an understatement. I found out when I decided to match his flash cards with his existing toys, and realised that I could find most objects in the vocabulary.
Anyway, since I am on MC today, decided to do something fun and educational with him, making full use of the rare times I have with him :)

He's been super naughty lately, for instance, he wants to eat EVERYTHING with Blueberries. Blueberry in yogurt, blueberry with oats, blueberry in porridge (what?!?!!)... We all know he loves his blueberries, but Sigh.
What I did was pretend to eat his porridge, then offer a spoonful to him, which he obligingly ate, then I picked up a blueberry using pincer-grasp and ate it as is (without mixing in porridge), and he did the same. Funny thing was, after a few repititions, he picked up the blueberry and put it in my mouth, feeding me! Super cute can! He must be thinking what a hungry mother he has, eating his blueberries. Can't get angry with a mon-mon like that :D


  1. Babies of this age are very adorable indeed! ;) Now, when my boy sees bread, he wants bread with EVERYTHING else he's supposed to eat/drink.

  2. MieVee, adorable? More lke annoying! It's v frustrating whn they reach 1yr old n start getting fussy abt their food -__-


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