Monday, February 23, 2009

Baby talk

Went looking at baby stuff at BABY AVENUE on Sunday, which is just in front of my workplace.
This is actually the FIRST time we went shopping for baby's stuffs. Seems like we are the most relaxed (read: non kancheong) parents!

Andy's favourite Recaro car seat

An idea of how the car seat fits into your car

We also tried strollers to see which types are lightweight and easy to chug around. So many choices and brands! Even got MacLaren fully reclineable dunno-what. Turns out, I prefer a brandless cheapo lightweight one which is easy to lock, maneuver and fold.

Andy looking at the Boy's and Girl's nurseries.

*scratch head* So many things!

I am proud of Andy because he took interest in the baby stuff and he even tried the breast pump, but on a prototype breast lah of course!! He also saw a teddy toy which has recorded audio of sounds inside a mum's womb to comfort the baby at night and was quite keen to buy it.

Most of all, I'm proud of Daddy Andy because he is much involved and enjoys talking to baby.
One night.....
Andy: *talks to my bump* Baby, next time you dont be like Mummy ok.. Her mouth ah, once open cannot close. 1 thing can talk 10 times. 10 things: 10 x 10 = 100.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Addicted to Masking

Silk Whitia is highly raved in and beauty blogs, so out of curiosity I went to buy these:

Collagen Relax Eye mask:
Cooling and hydrating for the eye area, and reduced my eyes puffiness. But it did not reduce my dark circles visibly yet. Maybe it's because I keep irregular hours.

Highly concentrated Collagen Gel mask

Highly concentrated Collagen Milky mask:
This mask contains milk powder and smells like the milk bones I give my dogs. Yummy!
Makes my skin soft and supple.

Highly concentrated Collagen Hydrating mask:
Used it in the hotel in Melaka with Andy and we both fell asleep in it. Very shiok!
It really hydrates the skin and makes it resistant to the dehydrating aircon. Good!

Pearl Finest powder Pore refining mask

Pearl finest powder Whitening mask:
I love this one because it makes my complexion really dewy and glowy after just one use.
It also hydrates the skin and makes it plump.

It's available at SASA outlets and now having promo, buy one box get one box free. Can also mix-and-match, 1 sheet get 1 sheet free.

Doesnt break the bank either!

Friday, February 13, 2009

[update] Cupcake session for Vday 2009

Our baking session with my gals at Charmaine's house turned out to be well, quite a blast (figuratively)! No, we didnt blow up her kitchen!
I love get-togethers with my gals like this.
All women need to ditch their men for some female bonding once in awhile :)

Our chocolate and banana cupcakes in the process of making.

Meena and our Friendship cake.

Who says V-days are for lovers only? Best mates in the world.

The cake is so sweet, just like our friendship!

The aftermath of a very messy kitchen with me, Meena, Clare, Charmaine, aunty Christina and their maid Nur.. Ta dah!

Meena's cuppies.

To remind Ramesh of his husbandly duties?!

Charmaine's cuppies. Do you see the boobies on the 1st cuppie?

Clare's cuppies. The blue band is actually a cute lil skateboard with nice yellow wheels!

Finally, here're mine. I had help from Meena & Charmaine (M made the icing work, C deco-ed the white hearts on baby's towel)
Baby Julius Cesar Tan! Hello baby! You have lots of wonderful aunties who adore you even before you are born!

I'm quite proud of us because our cuppies turned out pretty well, all in the midst of having a crazy time.
Thanks for the GREAT Time girlies!

Time to plan our Fondue Party up next :)

Valentine's Day 2009

Andy booked us (with Charmaine & KW) a trip to Melaka over the V-day weekend.
We miss Satay Celup!

Meeting my girls tonight to bake cake and cupcakes for Vday.
Happy Valentine's! :)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

New home.

Hello Peeps!

This is where I will be having my verbal diarrhoea from now on.

A secret little Fairyland known only to my Mr Fei-zai and amazing friends - people whom I truly care about :)


Sunday, February 8, 2009


I'm working night shift from Saturday night - Monday night and I have not slept a wink.
Poor bb's boxing/kicking inside me and like me, not resting the whole night.
I feel so guilty that I've screwed up my bb's sleep cycle.

I'm a bad mummy. SIGH.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Feelings of a Pregnant Mom

I took MC today to sleep in late and to go shopping later.
It's one of those days when it feels good to be reckless in life once a while.

These days, I get tired easily and I cant walk as fast as I used to because my lower back hurts and I hate to admit, but I think I waddle a little. Yikes!
I cant concentrate fully at work and tend to be forgetful.
And I feel lonely at home especially in the few hours when Andy leaves for work and I'm alone with the dogs doing nothing. Saying Goodbye is the hardest thing these days.
However, on the good side, I enjoy it when we hug or lay in bed, with our baby kicking/boxing between us. It's fun to watch my tummy because if we're lucky, we can see it jump or twitch.Andy put his hand on my tummy and our baby kicked/boxed him.
It's all good entertainment!

My family, friends and colleagues also admiringly touch my tummy and talk to it which is really amusing.
My workplace is a nice environment to work in because everyone is female and they willingly share experiences with me like how one colleague her breasts shrunk after breastfeeding her daughter etc.
My aunt has been enthusiastically thinking of Chinese names for the baby.
My mates Charmaine & Meena have been giving me advice on post-natal massage, stretchmark prevention etc. I have been pestering them about advice for stretch-marks, massage ladies as if they have given birth a dozen times Hehe

And Charmaine promptly passed me Chris' (the baker) contact because Chris just gave birth to a baby girl and she sure knows all the baby stuff.Gosh I dont even know what's in or out. I feel so outdated!
And we havent even started shopping for baby cos I dont know where to start.
Everyone I love and care about are so involved and it makes me feel happy to have the support.

Afterall, pregnancy is a stressful time for any woman due to the changes in mind/body so it's important to have support.
Sometimes I get depressed and cry to Andy, saying my vagina will never be the same anymore, and my boobs will shrink to prunes after breastfeeding, I will become so unattractive, I dont enjoy sex that much anymore etc.
But thankfully he has been really kind, assuring me that pregnancy makes a woman whole, and he prefers me with more curves to when I was whippet-thin.

Ok more later. Or perhaps next week after my next Obstetrician appt.
Ciao~ *love*