Monday, February 23, 2009

Baby talk

Went looking at baby stuff at BABY AVENUE on Sunday, which is just in front of my workplace.
This is actually the FIRST time we went shopping for baby's stuffs. Seems like we are the most relaxed (read: non kancheong) parents!

Andy's favourite Recaro car seat

An idea of how the car seat fits into your car

We also tried strollers to see which types are lightweight and easy to chug around. So many choices and brands! Even got MacLaren fully reclineable dunno-what. Turns out, I prefer a brandless cheapo lightweight one which is easy to lock, maneuver and fold.

Andy looking at the Boy's and Girl's nurseries.

*scratch head* So many things!

I am proud of Andy because he took interest in the baby stuff and he even tried the breast pump, but on a prototype breast lah of course!! He also saw a teddy toy which has recorded audio of sounds inside a mum's womb to comfort the baby at night and was quite keen to buy it.

Most of all, I'm proud of Daddy Andy because he is much involved and enjoys talking to baby.
One night.....
Andy: *talks to my bump* Baby, next time you dont be like Mummy ok.. Her mouth ah, once open cannot close. 1 thing can talk 10 times. 10 things: 10 x 10 = 100.


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