Showing posts with label 5 years. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 5 years. Show all posts

Sunday, August 24, 2014

My last baby, Ashton, turned TWO.

I'm a little sad. Our last baby, Ashton, turned two today.
Oh my, where did all the time go?
This year, no fancy affair, just a simple meal with my family and in-laws at Prima Tower revolving restaurant.

My brother's girlfriend is from Japan and my Granny won't stop speaking to her in Cantonese.
Ashton looked indifferent throughout. This baby is cool as a cucumber, cannot be bothered about the bahooha of everything, even if it's his PARTY!

I'm getting old and have not the energy to conjure up anymore fancy parties for the children.
As a matter of fact, apart from feeling sad, I also feel a huge relief now that he's two. It has been such a roller-coaster year for us, but I can't really put a finger to what it is.
I just feel as if I have been running a marathon for the past year, maybe it's his newfound mobility now that he's running around, maybe it's his ability to fight for attention and toys with his brother.
I don't know exactly.

From now on, they will just have to make do with birthdays in school because their mother is old and perpetually exhausted.
Speaking of school, Ashton is still happy with his status quo as a Stay-at-home-son.
He's not enrolled in any preschool yet, and I'm not even anxious.
I'll just let him enjoy being a SAHS a little bit more.
Really taking my time with this baby.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Family affair: Joan's 1st Birthday party.

Andy's cousin's daughter is turning one!
Love attending parties with loads of children. They make every party livelier and happier with all that noise and coordinated mess.

While playing in the ball pit, Adam hurt a cousin's eye. Intentional or not (he said it was accidental), I punished him and made him apologise to Donovan. I later on explained to him the reason why I was mad and scolded/ beat him in front of Donovan and his guardian was because I love and care about him that's why I get upset if other children and their parents are angry with him.
I then banned him from playing at the party and we left (thankfully it was time to leave otherwise I would hate to leave the party prematurely).

Adam's at an age which requires lots of reasoning and that is honestly tiring as hell.
I wish children came with instruction manuals. Sigh.

MIL and birthday girl Joan

Outfit of the day:
Quilt grey blouse: Love Bonito
Red shorts: H&M
Bag: Hermes Lindy 34
Shoes: Charlotte Olympia Clever Kitty flats

Adoring my new shoes from They were offering free international shipping so I ordered 2 pairs of shoes from them. So comfy too! No blisters for the entire 4 hours of wearing them.

the Ngs! Darren (Andy's cousin) and Suzanne with their three kids.

Blessed birthday Joan!!!
You're gonna grow up to be so spoilt and protected by your brothers I'm sure!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Bringing the kids to a Baby Shower...alone!

Last Sunday, my maid had the day off, and the husband went to Rompin to fish.
The last thing I wanted was to be stuck at home the entire day with two rowdy boys, so I brought them to a friend's baby shower.. all by myself!
At first, Hubby was worried how I was gonna handle the kids by myself since we almost always have my helper or him or my MIL (the village that helps to raise my kids).
Anyway, I bit the bullet and went.

Gift favours for the guests - customised hand towels and a box of assorted cakes. So generous!

Baby Hebe. Love the frilly hat! :)

Luckily I had the help of my friend Jan and Ingrid's helper (Hebe's mum's helper) to watch the kids periodically if I needed to change Ashton's diaper or excuse myself for toilet break.

Bubble time!!! My boys' tees are kindly sponsored by Vaby.
Like Vaby on their Facebook page:

Here are my reflections on bringing the children out alone without any help:
- The tricky parts are gathering them - getting them to put on shoes/ get out of the house in harmony/ getting into the car, and then after the party, herding them together and leaving cooperatively.

- I can handle both kids, no problem. From a scale of 0-10, 0 being easy peasy and 10 being murderous, I rate today's experience 2/10.
2 because I had to feed both kids on my own and then supervise the kids playing at the playground. My friend's daughter, Kate, was younger than Adam and Adam being a boy, isn't very good at playing with girls. Too rough. I had to step in a couple of times to warn him not to be too rough.

- I will not tell my husband how happy I am today with just myself because I can survive. I don't want him to think that he can slack on his fathering duties.

- Lastly and importantly, Young Living oils work. I rubbed the boys with oils right after their baths, about 30min before leaving the house.
I used Valor for Ashton to give him confidence. He's the shy and quiet one among the two, and while there's nothing wrong with that, he tends to cling to me in presence of strangers and want me to carry him. That would make it difficult for me to eat or have my hands free.
For Adam, I applied Peace & Calming because he is the super spirited and hyper type, always raring to go.

So far so good I say!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

49th National Day celebration in Adam's kindergarten.

 Celebrated National Day in Adam's kindy yesterday.
I woke up at 5:30AM to boil eggs and make sandwiches.
Kids arrived super early to get ready for a small performance for the parents.

Ah Beng Ashton Tan.

Adam's art work got displayed in front of the Principal's office :P

Their breakfast menu (just for my own reference).


It was an entire day of ferrying the kids around for me.
Driving up and down to my Mum's, to Andy's office, then to dinner and finally back home.
Super exhausted until we just all collapsed after bath-time and Andy and I missed our midnight Marvels movie!

But on the good side, this year is the first time I attended his National Day school party.
Last year, Adam asked me why other kids' mummies attended but not me?
I felt super guilty because I am a FTWM, but to a child, that 2 hours of your presence in a school event makes a world of difference because you are his world!
Therefore, I made the effort to take leave this year, plus I promised him I will make sandwiches for his friends (as his teacher called me up and requested me to bring some finger food, I gladly agreed).

 It's a tough job being a Mum, juggling so many different roles and tasks, making sure everybody is reasonably happy.
For my kids, I promise to try my best.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

[Media invite] Baby's Day out at Promontory@Marina Bay.

Hello hello! We attended our first Baby's Day Out today, thanks to fellow Mummy-blogger Mabel from Amazingly Still and the very wonderful event coordinator Nicole from CROWD Media.
Where it's at: The Promontory@Marina Bay
Where to park:
We parked at One Raffles Quay because it has the cheapest parking rate and many lots available, but parking is also available at the following places -
NTUC Centre
Marina Bay Financial Centre
The Sail @ Marina Bay
Open-air URA Bayfront Avenue carpark

The weather was breezy and wasn't hot at all! Everybody had a fabulous time picnicking and I can see they've come prepared with lots of finger food and drinks.

There was a mobile food van selling pasta and burgers but the wait was long and that's probably the only food you can buy there.
I suggest in subsequent years, you can bring a picnic basket with your own food.

Guest-of-honour Minister Lim Swee Say.

We ended the night with spectacular fireworks blooming in the sky.

The kids were awestruck and with the loud music blasting, Adam was running around and having a good time.

Happy 49th Birthday to Singapore! Not everybody may agree with her politically, but she is my country and my home! Makes me proud to see many ang-mohs and other nationalities present at the event too.  
Thank you Mabel, Nicole and your lovely team of ladies from CROWD Media for the invite.
Very honoured to be able to attend this event, being a first for the kids :)