Friday, February 4, 2011

on 大年初一 (1st day of Lunar NY)

小牛去拜年 collect angpaos!!

My chauffeur.... like real!

初一 lou hei dinner at Azur

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Prosperous Rabbit Year!

It's been a busy but happy Chinese New Year period for all of us in the family.
With so many children fallen sick, I'm frankly grateful enough to have a unsick child to go visiting and collecting angpaos with!

Kai on the eve. He's gotten very good at mimicking the adults' behaviours and throwing in some exageration for the extra punch!

This is the 2nd year that Andy & I are giving out angpaos. We gave out so many for the past year that we decided to make our personalised name stamp this year.

"Xi" = Happiness

Okays I'm in desperate need of my beauty sleep. It's gonna be a long weekend ahead and we need to do more visiting tomorrow and the days that follow.
Happy Chinese New Year all!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Fat Boy's Burger

I'm not sure why, but it always rains cats & dogs a few days before CNY, which means we're mostly indoors-bound.
I've been pestering Andy to bring me to a burger joint but we just never made it and hence when we had nowhere better to go, it presented us the perfect opportunity to pig out at Fat Boy's.

Even Adam was mighty excited!

I relented and let him share our sinful indulgence. A little bit of everything wont hurt.

I love seafood chowder with lots of bits & pieces of fish/crab/clams, don't you?

Oooooh look at the thick patties & melted cheese! Crisp and non-oily fries to go along.

This is the first time in my life eating a tall American style burger, I kid you not!
I am always tempted to order one whenever I go to Swenson's, but no, I want mine at a burger place that's famous for burgers only! Exactly like how some only eat Bak Kut Teh from Balestier and not from food courts.
There are many things in life you wanna try at least once and claim credit for having been there, done that. For me, eating a tall burger is one of them :)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

more lomo

Once upon a time in a faraway land, there lives

a stinky lassie

the wise border collie

the overindulged Prince

and the sybaritical Queen

Now, where is the King of kings!

Trying out LomoLomo

Trying out the photography on my new phone.

First thing in the mornings, coming into our room to terrorise his sleepy parents.
"Rise & shine!"

I love you baby! :)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Surprise present

Playdate with Adam's baby friend Morgan at the Twiss' home was arranged by Paul and my beloved Hubby.

Can you spot the Little Men's shoes at the corner?

Breathtaking pool view.

We then had dinner at nearby mall and after that, Adam pestered me to let him go on rides again.

I easily spent $20 on rides in 2 days. What happened to those 20-cent rides during our childhood? Now every ride is $1 or $2.
Time to teach our future generation a new word called "Inflation" I guess.

But really, the real purpose of today's playdate was because Hubby had purchased my surprise Birthday present and together with Paul, the guys arranged for the gift to be delivered to Paul's home so that I wouldnt suspect a thing.

Ta dah...

The ubiquitous phone. My husband wants me to snap out of my kuku-ness and join the 99% iPhone-crazed population.
Hubby thinks it's high time to replace my trashed up Nokia E71 which is falling apart at the "seams" because of over-throwing by a certain baby culprit *cough*, though I must clarify, I've never been one to be crazy over gadgets because of my technophobic nature.
As a matter of fact, I'm pretty contented with my trashed up phone (I drive to work and back so whats the use of a touch-screen phone as long as I have a phone which I can SMS and answer/make calls when needed right?) until my sis Charmaine commanded me to quickly get one. "Go and get an iPhone so we can gossip on Watsapp!" she ordered.
Ok, point taken.

Planning and ganging up with the Twiss to plant me a suprise birthday present 1 mth in advance is a very sweet move.
It doesn't matter what he gives me for my Birthday because I have everything a girl could possibly ask for - a doting husband, a happy baby, a complete family with loving parents and in-laws, friends who love me and whom I love just as much, food on my table, clothes on my back, and a nice car for my Push present as the icing on my already huge cake.
And new friends who go through the trouble to gang up with my husband on a weekday even though they don't know me well and didn't have to go through the hassle just to make my day.

Thank you Hubby. You're the best!
I'm a lucky girl :)

Sisters/Aunties/Mommies meetup

Life can be pretty hectic with work and mothering duties so I'm glad we finally found time apart from our crazy schedules to meetup for lunch and talk-cock session - the four of us.

We did a gift-exchange, my presents which I bought some 2 months ago from Bali for Xmas and NY but we just never found the time!

Little Noah is like a bear, so cuddly and chubby! I totally miss the infancy days, where Kai was totally portable. Now, all he wants to do is run around and explore, and give me headaches!

The yummy mommies! (Charm mommy to 5 furry babies)

Well thanks Charm for my presents and hope you girls like what I picked for you too :)
We'll meet up again for our CNY reunion dinner. I'm so looking forward!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Dinner with the Tan Grandfolks

Little riot!

Giant garoupa!

This place is at Punggol Marina. The thing I like about this place is the quiet, unpopulated ambience. There is also an arcade with kids rides which Kai went crazy over.

Kai is currently past the age of stroller toys. He wants to go on rides all the time!
From one to another, and then back to the previous one. Repeat and repeat. Can die lah!
Nowadays when we bring him out, we need to plan places which can keep him contained yet entertained at the same time.

A sign that the Terrible Twos are fast approaching!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Alice is here for a visit.

Alice is here to board with us for a week while Alan and his wife are out of town.
This beautiful Saturday morning after sending my Baby Mobile to the garage, I got home and let the kids out for some fun in the sun!

Going for walkies with the doggies :)

Qn: Where is Maverick?
Ans: He decides we are all too slow for him and gone off w/o us. Afterall, time waits for no man dog!

Kai is very happy to have Alice over. He kept telling me "Alice, Alice!" and he generously donates his food to the 2 greedy dogs begging from under his high chair at mealtimes.

Life is good :)

my German bf got his rear assed

Yesterday, I reared Baby Mobile into a pillar with a LOUD BANG.
I was terrified and for a second I closed my eyes and my heart stopped beating, wondering what the hell I have done to my poor car this time.

But luckily, the extent of damage was not as terrible as I imagined, maybe because he is German. 1.5cm hairline dent, 1cm hairline dent, and a chip off the paint.
Anyway, Andy's reaction when I told him I gotta spend $ and time on repairs was "No need to repair lah since you always banging the car" ZZzzzzzZzzz .... Thanks for rubbing more salt in my wound, Hubby.
He said he should've bought me a Kangoo or Korean/Chinese car instead then I can go bang all I want and not feel the pinch -__-

The only reason why I rammed the car was because the pillar was white and as I was reversing, I couldnt see the pillar in my reverse camera due to the glare of the sun and the fact that the pillar was white.
Okay, no excuses for being careless. But an accident is an accident is an accident. Who wanted/expected it to happen? So anyway, I'm sending him to my mechanic early today morning first slot.

Lesson learnt: Lady drivers always get away with anything (at the mechanic's at least).
And: My hubby learnt not to buy me an expensive car.