Sunday, August 15, 2010

Hanging by the pool

What a way to wrap up our Sunday - hanging by the pool.
The weather was beautiful - not raining but not humid.

I worked on my tan while Hubby went for his swim.
I love it!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Revamped cereal

A quick brekkie fix in the mornings when we are rushed for time:
- Organic cereal
- fresh milk
- honey corn flakes crushed into smaller bite-size pieces
- a dollop of Manuka honey

Caution: Pls do not feed your child honey if he/she is less than a year old.

Otherwise, it's a much-loved recipe and Kai has been polishing his bowl for the past week!
Time to come up with a new recipe for next week.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Gone shopping!

Not me, but my son!
He is the great imitator nowadays... copying our every action.

Here, he is hanging one ratty plastic bag off his arm and pretending it to be a handbag while he goes "shopping". HAHA

Very yaya somemore... LOL

I'm increasingly convinced that he's got more of my genes.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Celebrating our Nation's 45th birthday~

In the end, Hubby & I didnt manage to charter the boat to celebrate ND because firstly, it was fully booked, and secondly, I was sick with flu and the works. But nonetheless, we managed to do something special and totally fun with friends and Baby A, minus the sweat / sticky armpits / shoving with thousands.

As it's Adam's FIRST time celebrating National Day, we were glad that it went fabulously :)
We had a potluck gathering at Andy's Indonesian-Chinese friend's pad, which is at Suites @ Central, Devonshire Road.

The 16th storey apt even had its own personal elevator. Awesome.

Mummy, Daddy and Baby A had the birds' eyeview in the balcony.

Adam on his throne waiting for the airplanes and fireworks.

The view was magnificient and breathtaking

and finally it starts!

Everyone had dinner before the fireworks begun

Start-shaped fireworks

That's all the photos of fireworks, taken with my DSLR.

Thanks for all the food, icecream cake and champagne everyone. We enjoyed the evening very much :)

Andy, Veron & Adam

Sunday, August 1, 2010

The youngest F1 driver in the making :P

Kai loves to drive. He has so many car toys at home, and as if that's not enough, he loves being behind the wheel of Mummy's car as well.

He even has a pair of shoes for the part. Heh heh

"Will Uncle Roland and Uncle Ringo teach me GoKarting and car-racing when I'm older?" :P

Friday, July 30, 2010

Champagne & Red wine party

Well, some person got upset with my post on wanting to buy a H-bag. I'm not sure why, but if talking about bags makes certain people upset/unhappy/angry, then I guess I shall stop talking about bags then. I really dont mind :P since life is more than bags and material stuff.

I am not apologetic for the way I live, because nothing comes to us for free - Hubby & I work hard for what we have.
But I do realise, we cant please everyone whom we come across.
Thankfully, we do have supportive and true friends who will stick it out with us and love us for who we are. And that's what matters.

On a parting note, it's the weekend! and Hubby & I are *hoping* to throw a Champagne & Red wine party cum fishing trip on the N-day long weekend on a chartered boat.

I love love love weekends, dont you? :)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A long longgg time

When I went back to work after my M-Leave, it seemed like a long eternity before I could count down to my final days in my company... but now, it is already turning August. What a long and agonising wait.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed, because *hopefully* by the end of year, our home sweet home will be ready and I will be a full time Tai-tai dropping my boy off at school and then going shopping with my other SAHM friends at Chanel and Balenciaga, discussing about throwing dinner parties and playdates at whose house.

Nah, just kidding... I will probably be a full-fledged Aunty cum Housewife cum Maid to my 2 men. HEHEHE
I m soooo counting down to the final days.... :)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Saturday family times

After Gymboree, FIL threw a treat at Grand Copthorne because of our 4D 2nd prize winnings.

Daddy A & Baby A

My cheeky monster grinning because of the food spread on the table.

We were simply too busy gorging ourselves with the crab legs and buffet spread to take anymore photos... But it's Ok. I'm so full that I look like I'm 2 mths preggy!

After dinner, Andy & I went for a spin along ECP. The wind is therapeutic to our tired souls.

Back at home this morning before going out....

Kai has a new muse!
Something from Munchkin which Chris recommended that's good for snacking tods

"look Ma, no spill!"


It's a brilliant and inexpensive little contraption, but just dont be ambitious and put too tiny pieces of snacks in it ^^

Friday, July 23, 2010

I can smell the Weekend :)

The precious long-awaited time of the week is here again - I'm cherishing it more than I ever did for the past few weeks because Period.

Damn I can hardly pry my eyes open and I felt like keeling over to sleep at work.

But well, the week is all over and tomorrow, it's Gymboree again, and FIL is giving a treat at Grand Copthorne :)
I'm so happy just thinking about it.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Playgroups in the East

Andy & I have been searching for a suitable Playgroup for Kai for the past 2 weeks, and the outcome has been disappointing :(

Our criteria are:
- daily 2-3 hour sessions
- must be near our home so MIL can drop him off and pick him up.
- must be clean and the children happy
- must not be too much of classroom learning, and more of play, music, art & craft and preferably outdoor activities
- Teachers turnover should not be high, and they should be happy in their job

is that really such a tall order? I thought that was common sense, yet so hard to fulfill.... -__-
Initially, I've thought of sending Kai to those chi-chi centres but to be realistic, unless I'm a SAHM, I can't really do that because there would be nobody else to bring Kai there.

If any Mommies have any recommendations for Playgroups pleaseee please let me know!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Our precious Sunday!

First, Baby A went for a haircut. A melodramatic one.
It was Daddy A's and MIL's idea... but I always objected, until Aunty Meena said I should shave his hair so that it would grow out thicker. Those were the words that changed everything.

My mohawk baby!

Back view of my mohawk bebe

Then we went to support Daddy in his soccer game at ECP.

Now you see it, now you dont.. the HAIR I mean

There was a bunch of older boys playing soccer as well

and Baby A wants to join them!

A mother watching her child from the sidelines came up to us and said that he's the youngest soccer player she's ever seen. :P

It was raining but it did nothing to dampen our moods.

Halfway through Daddy's 2-hour game, we went to Polliwogs which was just beside the street-soccer court.

Baby A definitely changed the whole universe for us, in more good ways than bad.

Tomorrow can wait, because we're having the best times of our lives :)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Bargain-hunting with Meena and Gymboree with Kai

Woke up at 7.30am together with Baby Kai... on a Saturday?!?! It was raining, really chilly and the perfect excuse to sleep in late but my son thinks otherwise. So I made a date with Aunty Meena to go bargain-hunting at Pigeon Warehouse sale :)))

Kai & I took a warm bath, dressed up and went to fetch Meena and my godson Vetrin. Loaded all the adults and children in my Baby Mobile and ready to head to Macpherson. Perfecto!

The sale was like something I've never been to before - we queued to get it, shoved around with mostly the preggy women, then queued somemore to pay up and leave. Woah.
Thankfully, praise the Lord, I ran into my ex-polymate Huixian and her hubby Ming Qiang and I bumped my small purchases with them. They are expecting a baby girl come November.
It's always fun shopping for newborn stuff, dont you agree?
Buying nappies, receiving blankets, hooded towels and teeny clothes never felt soooo retail-therapeutic :)

I carried Vetrin and showed Kai, and he loves the baby so much. He smiled and wanted to gently touch him. I think Kai needs a sibling. Heheh

Afterward, Kai had class at Harbourfront - our weekly routine. Kai is always happy to attend school. He loves the children and the activities. Wait till he goes to Primary School.. hahaha

My darling son playing on the carousel...

which gave me a really wild fantasy - how nice it would be to throw a birthday party for him at a Carnival, complete with gazebos and carousel, with servers giving away popcorn and cotton candy for the children while they went on the free rides.
The parents can relax while having a picnic on the grass and watch as their children run after bubbles and eating cotton candy.

Well maybe for Kai's next birthday we should rent a bungalow chalet, set up a gazebo, rent toys and cotton-candy machines, and give out mylar balloons to the children. Life would be grand :)