Monday, August 30, 2010

How to be a Mumzilla

I get asked every now and then about how I manage to keep everything together and not fall apart.
It sure is tough juggling work, a baby, clothes-and-bags-disease, shopping etc .. and unfortunately for me, I am not a SAHM!
On top of that, I have to study at night, fighting deadlines and exams.
I try to make effort in my appearance though there are days when I can't be bothered.
So anyways, here's a post for all you amazing Mums out there.

P.S. Included my pregnancy stuff for the Mumzillas-to-be

Holy grail when I was preggers:

L'Occitane shea butter soap
When I was preggy, if there's anything I remember most - it was having sensitive sense of smell. I couldnt stand most scents. And perfumes made me puke. I had to use this because the mild milky smell reminds me of a baby and this was the only smell I could tolerate.

L'Occitane Shea butter 15% body lotionThis is a light moisturiser but it smells babyish and till today I'm still using it. I prefer its richer version though, but this is good if you dont have ultra dry skin like I do.

L'Occitane Shea butter 25%
I swear by this even during my Poly days. I love its rich texture that hydrates my skin in cold air-con lecture halls, and its special milky smell which leaves me smelling like a baby!
I'm using it now because my hands are almost wrinkled from too much hand-washing. I'm not suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder or anything like that, but the nature of my job requires me to wash my hands about a gazillion times a day with chemical chlorhexadine soaps. Sounds terrible, no?

Body Shop cocoa butter
I alternated using this with my L'Occitane one, because I was reading reviews online and found mixed reviews on shea vs cocoa butter. I was kiasu and decided to use BOTH. Heck, I had only ONE chance at it, because I was only pregnant that ONCE. Can't afford to screw that up, can I? :P

Johnson & Johnson baby oil
This was recommended to me by my dearest Charmaine, who said all her mom and sorority of aunts used J&J baby oil and they have beautiful tummies with no stretchmarks.
I used the lavender version because of the smell. Works well, cheap and results (coupled with the above-mentioned butters) - I have not a single stretchmark. So Mommies, you dont have to splurge to have a killer post-partem bod.

My holy grails for Baby:

Cavilon diaper rash cream
This was first recommended to me by my Mum, and is used by the nurseries in KKH. Thank goodness for her, this has to be the Creme De La Mer for nappy creams. A small pearl-sized amount goes a long way, and heals nappy rashes by the next diaper change. Leaves a slightly greasy film as a barrier.
This really works wonders, just ask my sis Meena.

Secura diaper rash cream
This is another of my fav cream, I have to say between Cavilon and Secura, it's a tie for me. Unlike the Cavilon which leaves a slightly greasy finish, this leaves a matt dry finish on baby's bum. But I have to say that both works great.

Dentinox Colic drops
This is a real life saver when your baby is colicky and cries on top of his lungs. I've tried another brand recommended by Kai's ex-PD which was called Rid-wind, but this is definitely better at a fraction of the price. Easily avail OTC at Watson's and Guardian's.

Earth Friendly Baby bath products
They are organic and cheaper than California Baby's bath range, for organic freaks like me who want to go easy on the pocket.

Holy grail for my skin:

Origins Clean Energy oil cleanser
I am marvelled by this clever invention. It is clearly an oil which removes even your most stubborn MAC waterproof mascara but once you rinse it off with water, your face becomes soft and supple. Not a trace of oiliness. Brilliant. Worried about the mess? It comes with a pump.

Origins Never a Dull Moment brightening cleanser

Origins Checks and Balances foam cleanserI alternate both cleansers depending on my skin's needs.

Origins Never a Dull Moment scrub
I have been using this for years now, also since my Poly days. I try to find other scrubs but I just keep going back for this. I love the fruit enzymes.

SK-II Facial treatment essence.
My polymate Ivy told me this broke her out, and I was quite skeptical to use it at first because first of all, the price tag doesnt make this a pdt you can just "try for fun". But glad I did cos this works in reducing my oil production but you have to keep using it to see continued results. And the price ain't pretty!

Shiseido White Lucent emulsion
This is what I use to moisturise, hydrate hydrate hydrate. Like that it doesnt feel greasy after application.

SK-II masks
I slap them on when I am lazy to go for facials or have no time. At least I can use them in the comfort of home and still go about my chores - feed baby, wash bottles, sterilise bottles, yada yada.

Dear Skin Ampoule masksThese are only $2 per sheet, and a quick cheap method to masking when you just need a quick skin-rescue and dont feel like throwing $$ into an expensive mask. I'm having the Placenta mask on now as I'm typing this post.

Last but not least, the most important ingredient of my recipe is - lots of love from Hubby!
We check ourselves into a spa every month, just to destress and have some private couple time.
We dont sign any packages because we like to spa-hop depending on which credit card had promo.
For the month of August, we went to Furama Riverfront spa which had a nice couple room with a pond filled with lilies. Very zen and relaxing. After the therapy, we were served ginger tea and helped ourselves to the free Hermes perfumes in the spa. I used the Kelly Caleche one and smelt good all the way till past dinner.

So anyway, that's all about my current lifestyle must-haves.
Time to catch some sleep!


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