Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Belated post: My Milestone celebration

I recently turned 30. Bummer, I feel terribly old!
It was Saturday, on the eve of the day Ashton has to admit to KKH (Sunday)... My gal pals came over to celebrate, even though I had told them not to!
They asked me how I would like to celebrate my birthday this year and I simply replied them not to spend any money this year, just pray for Ashton's surgery to be a success. But they came over to spring a surprise on me anyway. Feel so touched!
I just got home from work and prior to that had some guests over so I was looking quite unbecoming of myself. But heck. Anyway...
Charm's boys - Royce and Tommy

Some finger food as I have not had lunch, having came back from work.

My favourite Lychee Martini cake. I'm so aunty like that.

My greedy baby! He thinks every cake is in honor of him. Seriously.

Adam is still hypnotising the cake.

My girls!

My boys :)


For my Milestone Birthday, Hubby gave me a watch and upgraded my engagement ring. Ever since my first pregnancy some 4 years ago, I have not been able to fit my ring and hence it has been in storage ever since. We actually had to change the entire band and added some diamonds to it. When I wore it for the first time in 4 years, I felt so blessed and loved and memories of us dating and getting engaged flooded me. Thank you Hubby for spoiling me rotten.

After Ashton was discharged, my family and in-laws came over to our place for a steamboat gathering as a belated celebration and a decent-post-discharge-meal of sorts.
In this life I have been extremely blessed to have wonderful friends, family and loved ones surrounding me. Words cannot express my gratitude and love toward them.
May God bless them exceedingly and abundantly because they are Angels in my life who deserve nothing less.


And for those of you who recently grew older than you would like...

credit: Lessons learned in life, on Facebook.

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