Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Playdate at Cool De Sac.

This post has been sitting in my draft for two weeks now and I'm finally done uploading the photos from Adam's (not so) recent playdate.
A couple of fellow mummies met up during the September school holidays for kids to unleash their closet monsters at Cool De Sac!
Perfect afternoon spent indoors to beat the haze.
Indoor playground, maze, confined children, indoor cafe where Mummies lepak one corner and kids run amock, face and body painting.... Yeah you get the idea?
LOCATION of Cool De Sac:
3 Temasek Boulevard, Suntec City Mall
#02-379/80, Singapore 038983.

*It is situated at Tower 5, near Suntec Convention, so don't make the same mistake as I did and go to Tower 3!


This Tween area has Wii games for the older kids who find jumping around with preschoolers and toddlers too boring.
Growing up is tough, I know.

I like the spacious stoller "parking lot" and nursing room but I wish the nursing room would be more private as there are Daddies roaming around the indoor playgroun as well.

Our boys really can kee siao together lor. Serene's Xavier under the "log", Qian Wen's Emmanuel behind Adam, and Adam about to lunge off.

Only all the girls queue up patiently to get themselves painted.

Qian Wen's Faith getting her face painted. That's the icing on top of your cake for having a girl lor.. My sons don't want anybody to touch their faces one..... >_<

Mandatory kiddos and Mummies group shot at Cool De Sac!

Overall a nice and huge playground for the children to expand their energies, with a cozy cafe corner to order munchies..

Our only grouse was that the prices were all stated before GST. For eg. what we thought was a small cup of juice for $3.50 turned out to be $4.10 after GST.. the size of the cup is the IKEA colourful small cups for children...
Other than that, we will go back again as it is in central location and indoors.

Monday - Friday
Children under 6 months: FREE
Children under 3 years old: $10.70
Children from 3-12 years old: $21.40
Unlimited play time per admission.
2 adults can accompany each child.
Socks are to be worn at all times.

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