Thursday, April 8, 2010


Baby Kai is growing up so much, so fast. He has developed individuality and his own preferences, whether I like it or not. And I, on the other hand, has gotten quite used to the idea that my Little Prince is no longer the teeny weeny 2.73kg bun that popped right out of my oven.

Sometimes I miss so much his wrinkled skin and milky smell, yet other times I can't wait to run at the playground with him, throwing balls to our dogs.

I am also thankful to have a wonderful Hubby who does the bottle-washing, sterilising, feeding, bathing and basically, ALL the chores of babysitting! He's brilliant with Baby Kai, just as long as he doesn't use his beardie to rub against Kai's face (he hates that!)

He is at times naughty, yes, he throws tantrums and kicks his legs rigorously in the air if he doesnt get his way, and yes we have our occasional food fights when all he wants to eat are fruits and not yucky porridge (don't tell Grandma!)... but Daddy & Mummy love him all the same.

I can't be happier. I'm having the best time in my life. Thank God for blessing us :)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tornado-torn house

When Baby A was about 8 mths old, he started standing up. Then he started cruising and has been cruising ever since. He cruises along his cot, the tables, our beds, and has recently graduated to pulling things off em.
This morning, he cruised in his cot to my dresser and pulled off my entire makeup drawer, smashing my perfume bottles and shattering my glass makeupbrush-holder in the process.
On Saturday, I was home alone with him when he broke a vase and Alice's ceramic bowl.

But it's ok. I don't use much perfume now anyway, and I can always get a new brush holder, and a dog bowl. Made of plastic please.

Meanwhile, here's a photo of our broken wall, where our curtain rail used to hang. It came off when Baby A hauled himself up from lying to standing position using our unlucky curtain, when he was 9 mths old. When the curtain came tumbling down with the rail, so did the poor Baby. But of course, all attention went to the baby instead of the wall. Smart ploy I say.

They warned that once the baby comes, I will have no time for my dogs, so it's better to give the dogs away. But I beg to differ. Once the baby came, I have no time for the baby! Because my dogs can pretty much take care of themselves, the baby can't. 24 hours is never quite enough for a baby. Nor myself.

God. I need a bigger diamond pendant. And the brand new glistening Omega mother-of-pearl face watch. And that Martello gourmet coffee maker. Really. Really.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Adam's Birthday Banner

Customising Adam's banner was met with some glitches, particularly with a highly-raved printing company who has printed many children's birthday banners.

I shan't disclose that company name for privacy reasons, but he wanted to charge me additional $10 for "designing fee" - which was really to crop away the background of my original photo. I obligingly agreed to the additional charge, but the final draft sent to me was CRAP.

Nevermind that I couldn't customise the banner because the guy told me that all the available design templates are already on the web, but the cropping was done shabbily and made Kai's head look out of shape. How can anyone say yes to this lousy excuse of an artwork I really am clueless.
This isn't to say all moms should avoid this company, I have read some positive feedback hence I had emailed them, but maybe I'm the unlucky one. Shrug. Move on.

Back to the topic.
I was met with no choice but to design my own banner, and 'cuse me, I think I can do a better job at cropping.


Mickey & gang photo courtesy of Disney

So yeah this is gonna be Baby Kai's birthday banner, and we're gonna bring it to a printer to have it done. I just hope I got the dimensions right :D

It was a Good Friday

Hubby booked us a couple spa treatment at Spa Sauvignon. What a gem!
Did a red-wine body scrub and bodywrap followed by massage. The Malay aunty who massaged me was terrific - she pounded and kneaded on my muscles and I emerged a brand new me :D

After the spa, we headed to Robinsons sale again. 2 days in a row. Woah.
Then we headed home to fetch Kai and went for dinner with Grandparents Tan, and to Giant hypermart for late night grocery shopping.

We ended the night by watching Marley & Me on DVD and I fell asleep halfway. When I next opened my eyes, it was 8.30am today and Baby Kai was chuckling at me in his cot, holding my mascara that he took from the drawer next to his cot and waving the wand at me triumphantly.
He has mastered the skill of standing at the edge of his cot and pulling out my makeup drawer, emptying the contents inside. (One morning, Andy called me at work and asked if my electric eyelash curler comes with a cap because Kai was trying to eat it and thankfully it had no cap, not that the baby had devoured it).

Anyways, I promised myself that I would catch up with lost sleep when he is napping but here I am typing furiously on my laptop, while the carrots are steaming on the stove for his lunch. Yawn.
Plan later: Go to the printer's to get his birthday banner printed (more about the banner later), buy diapers, go to Kiddy Palace. That's all on our to-do list today.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Robinsons Members Sale this weekend

It's every woman's favourite word - S A L E !
At Robinsons Centrepoint this weekend. For shopaholic mummies like myself, it is not to be missed, even more so if you are a member because of the discounts on top of usual discounts. How great is that? DOn't know where to go this long weekend? Head down to Robinsons Centrepoint then ;)

I went with Aunty Meena and she went crazy with all the newborn sleepsuits, booties, mittens. How reminiscent of those days when Baby Kai was still a newborn!
And oh, I love their Eath Baby organic bath product range as well and I bought a few bottles to stock up.

Check out Baby Kai's new toys. He seems delighted! Thanks to my colleague Jenny who recommended the Aqua Doodle which leaves no mess after water ink dries up :)

Busy baby and the busy bodies!

Last but not least, I wanted to buy this Little Tikes coupe car but it was too bulky & heavy for me to lug home on my own. Sigh! :(

This is officially on Baby Kai's BIRTHDAY WISHLIST. Can some kind soul please buy it for him? :P

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sunday: Baby Kai goes to Universal Studios

Haha kind of..
After attending Kai's cousin Huihui's 1st birthday, Daddy & Mummy brought our darling son to Resort World Sentosa.
It was not as crowded as we imagined, maybe because Singaporeans need to pay $100 to enter the Casino? Haven't gamble already lost $100... Zzzz.
We sure are glad we signed up for our Crown Casino membership back in Melbourne, cos that's FREE lifetime membership and we are entitled to free parking and discounts in the entire Crown complex!

Mummy's lil Prince Charming

Mummy's boys

I ditched my original idea of red stilettos-with-skinny-jeans combi for my trusty pair of Ferragamo ballet flats, which I'm glad I did cos of all the walking!

Other than the unforgiving weather, we did enjoy ourselves, and Baby Kai is wearing a Zara humour tee which says "My Mum is prettier than your mum" :P
I thought the slogan was just pure fun, until a dear friend pointed out that perhaps it was apt for a certain copycat who's not just that, but rather, a thief who's always stealing my ideas and style. Didn't occur to me then... Oops!
I'm not so mean, really! So anyways, we ended the day by having dinner at Changi Airport T3.

What a day it has been for us. Good night folks!

Sunday: Baby Kai goes to his cousin's 1st

The Birthday girl:

Baby Kai & his Great Grandma!

Playing with cousin Emily

Kai's pretty cousin Emily

Emily with her mommy Irin (my cousin)

Happy family shot: Cousin Irin, Edward & their precious girl Emily

Trucks and cranes: it's a boys' thing.

Kai's cousin Jiale, elder brother of Birthday girl Jiahui

The moo moo cake

Thanks for the great food and fun time, Baby Kai enjoyed himself very much!
After the party, we brought him to RW. More about that in another post!

Laundry service

I'm gonna show this pic to his gf next time LOL
On a bright and happy Sunday morning, Mummy's lil darling is helping with the laundry. Hahaha!
Can you see the heap of clothes in the background? That's what life with a baby is - not worth getting upset about dishes not washed, laundry not done. Guess we just have to buy more clothes! LOL
Baby Kai has taught us to lighten & loosen up and not sweat the small stuff :)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Ingredients of Diaper Cakes

Hi everyone! The week has been hectic for me so my apologies for the short absence!
I had school every night of the week, and I saw very little of Baby Kai. When I came home, he was sleeping, when I left for work, he was still asleep. Can you imagine my heartache?

Well, it's all over now, I managed to finish a huge chunk of one of my essays, thank God for that!

And now to answer all the Mommies' emails!
I've received numerous emails pertaining to the ingredients for the diaper cakes, and pardon me for not replying your emails (because of you know why).. so here goes:

- 10 pc disposable diapers
- 1 hooded towel
- 5 pairs baby socks
- 1 wash cloth

- 32 pc disposable diapers
- 1 pink dress
- 1 pair pink sandals
- 1 hair clip

Didn't realise that it's a longggg weekend next week, else I would've arranged a short trip with Hubby and Baby Kai! But I have to say, it's near-impossible with my school and work.

Okays enough ranting. Ciao folks :D

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Before we knew it

Our weekend came and went before we could even catch our breath, but it was a great weekend with rain and cooling weather :D
We managed to get some chores done as well - sent the car for repair of rims and full grooming; bought ingredients for some diaper cakes I'm going to bake this month, brought Baby Adam back to my parents' place for dinner, went to have my haircut.

My lil munchkin enjoying some time playing on his own before we went out:

So cheerful, so happy. He lights up our lives :)

A 2-tier diaper cake done! This is for Adam's cousin's 1st Birthday the coming Sunday (28 March).

I have another 2 more diaper cakes to bake, all girlsssssss! All for Adam's cousins :)
It is so fun shopping for girly frocks and pretty shoes for baby girls, even though they aren't for mine. I wish I have a daughter as well!
I don't bake Diaper Cakes for profit, only for my family & friends, however if you wanna DIY a diaper cake, feel free to drop a comment or email me at I will be more than happy to help you with baking one!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Another busy week

Happy one-month-older to Baby Kai today!
Time flies, in 2 month's time my Baby is officially a Tod!

I've been super busy again all of a sudden, with lots of errands to run after work, and meeting to attend which dragged on till an hour after my official knock-off time.
I also can't believe how tough it is to maintain short hair.
I need a haircut again, barely only 3 weeks since I last cut my concave bob!

This weekend is gonna be another of those busy weekends:
- Drop Kai off at my folks'
- Go for haircut in Orchard
- Andy to send car for repair (didn't manage to get it done last week due to longgg waiting Q)
- Prepare for next week's classes
- Andy has wedding dinner to attend next Monday which I have to miss due to class (which translates to Mummy having to go home after class to look after Baby Kai)

If we're really lucky, and if time permits, we wanna go to Universal Studios!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Stokke Xplory spotted

Stokke Xplorys spotted at Takashimaya Baby Dept yesterday.
This foreign couple with not one but TWO Stokkes. That's $5k worth of pram!
The green one is being pushed by whom seems like a nurse, with another one in blue uniform following behind.
Either the babies are very sick, or the parents are very rich man! Though I reckon is the latter :P
Maybe in future I'll dress my helper up in Nurse uniform also HAHAHA just kidding!

For the uninitiated, Stokke Xplory is what Celebrity Daddy Seal is using as well.

and that's what my sista is intending to get sometime soon*whoot!*

It looks really cyber doesn't it?
When I showed her the pic, she went "So super right?!! I want I want I want!" Teehehe

Monday, March 15, 2010

For being good

For being a wonderfully behaved boy over the weekend and this morning, Mummy splurged a little on United Colors of Benetton tees & a pair of Osh Kosh shoes for my Darling son :)

I can't believemy Baby is turning into a Toddler soon! He can wear shoes meant for tods! *sniff sniff* *dabs eyes*

Well, the past coupla weeks have been rough - Andy's grandma wasn't feeling too good and Andy's mum had to bring Adam over to the Grandma's to look after her.
As a result, the chores at home weren't done, Adam wasn't rested, and everyone was e x t r e m e l y frustrated and exhausted!
I was late for work almost everyday for about 30min, the only day I wasn't late was I think Wednesday. Then the following week I was still dead beat, and I took 1 day MC - again.
Andy was sleep-deprived, MIL was overworked, my boss was angry, I was cranky, Adam was irritable.
Yeah, you get the drift.

So well, anyway, this weekend that just passed was beautiful *touch wood* Phew.
We didn't go out on Sunday and just stayed home to recuperate.
Adam didn't wake up in the middle of the night to scream and demand to sleep on our bed.
I got my beauty sleep and wasn't late for work this morning.
and and and... The new maid is coming.

I just hope it stays this way cos next week I'm having classes again!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Big ONE

Andy & I spent countless hours planning Baby Adam's birthday bash and we wanna make sure it is immaculate.
Andy is in fact, the brains behind the venue and party deco.
I'm in-charge of what I have a flair for *ahem* - Designing :)

The invite:

Back of invite:

The Thank You tag for Goodie packs:

I don't care if you call me kiasu, but planning a FIRST birthday, especially for a FIRST baby/grandson/nephew is, undoubtedly, nerve-wrecking and therefore demands the greatest efforts and time from the parents.
I spent hours designing these months ahead.

And because I spent so much effort and time on designing these, I'd be just happy if all you do is - ask - for the softcopy if you're intending to use my design.

The theme: Mickey and Baby Disney gang.
Baby Adam doesn't have a favourite character yet, and we thought of choosing Mickey as a classic character that will never go out of date even if he were to look at his photos 20 yrs later.

The venue: Andy & I both decided congruently that no chalets, no hotel buffets, no condo function-rooms for our son's 1st. We don't want to do what all other parents are doing, and in our opinion - if you hold a baby's party at these places, you're doing it more for the sake of your invitees than your child's enjoyment. We chose Toy Museum for Baby Adam, because it is afterall his party. He deserves a bash, not just a venue where all other kids held theirs. Thanks to Hubby for being the brains behind it, we managed to secure the entire Museum for our private use on that evening! but of cos to keep the crowd manageable, we are gonna limit the guests to only 2 floors Tee hee.

The invites: I decided to make them as Admission Passes for our guests, which they have to present to the staff at the entrance. Courtesy of the Museum for giving us permission to use their Logo and Map :)

Now, what we need to do:
- Order cake (still can't decide whether to bake or buy)
- Order balloons and banner
- Buy and customise our Goodie packs

I will post more about the Birthday Planning and putting everything together as we get to it :)


It's Spring (or is it all-time Summer in Singapore) so you might as well gear up for the HEAT!

Baby Adam is dressed in tees and surf shorts these days, unless we go to the malls. This Pumpkin Patch board shorts from Melbourne has UV protection. How cool is that?

He was playing, standing, cruising along furniture until his whole head and tee were drenched in sweat before dozing off to a nice nap in this funny pose. Hahaha
How nice it is to be a baby!