Monday, August 13, 2012

Sunday: Exploring the neighbourhood

Last Sunday was one of those perfect days - we brought Adam to Changi Terminal 3 for lunch and he finished his food without a fuss, behaved like a dream, and went home for a nap on auto-pilot.
When he awoke from his nap, the weather was beautiful so we went to the Playground and decided to take a stroll around the neighbourhood to explore.

My precous little Monkey

I don't know wassaup with his finger action poses, certainly wasn't from me! :D

Saw a lovely Sable-white Sheltie in one of the houses. Miss having a Sheltie! Super cute!!

Friday, August 10, 2012

New Mummy bag

Bought me a new bag not too long ago. Despite using it quite a lot and the fact that I don't baby my bags anymore simply because I have no time to, it has proved to me that it is worth every cent I pay for anything H.

It still holds up well even though I trash it around and am not very careful with it since there's always a pint-sized terror zipping around. And so far no stains or rubbing of the Clemence leather.

A busy Mummy definitely needs hands-free bags!

37W preggy

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I feel shitty

Since I am now full-term and can go into labour anytime, we have decided to let Adam sleep over at my MIL's so that we don't have to worry about the logistics problem should I need to go to the hospital at some odd hour.

Last night, Adam wanted to come home with us and wouldn't leave to go upstairs with my MIL, and I actually bribed him with $5 to go buy toys and promised him I'll see him the next day.

I feel like crap now. I bribed my son so that he won't go home with me.

Oh gosh Baby Buns, you'd better come out soon. Mummy & Daddy are getting quite impatient with this waiting game. Please come out asap so your kor kor can come home with us and we can all be together as a new family.

Monday, July 30, 2012

36 Weeks: what a swell time.

My firstborn came as a complete surprise.
Actually, it was more like a rude shock, which is an understatement. Andy & I were planning wedding venues & dates and I didn't even suspect I was knocked up. One morning, I just felt really exhausted & even threw up my sardine curry puffs. The company doctor diagnosed me as having "Gastroenteritis" and sent me home on 2 days' MC plus medication.
The first thing that crossed my mind was - Shit, I missed my period for 2 months and we DIDNT suspect that?! I took a pregnancy test to be sure, and in denial, I took another test.
It was sure as taxes and death.
I called up Andy & my galfriend crying. A baby was the last thing I hoped for. My married life is over before it even began.
I wasn't a child-person. In fact, I loved my freedom and shopping so much and was just about to venture into a new chapter called Marriage with the man I've been dating for 6yrs.
Having a baby certainly wasn't on my Married Life list. Not yet anyway. But it happened. And we were going to be parents *gulp*
Andy took the news better than I did. He was overjoyed and made an appointment for us to see a Obgyn. We went for the 1st scan and heard the heartbeat.
From then on, there was no turning back. Fast forward 3 yrs.

For Baby #2, it was a planned pregnancy. Andy was sure he wanted a 2nd baby but I kept putting it off and cited my part-time Nursing Degree as the excuse (remember I'm not so much a child-person & I was perfectly contented with the financial stability & undivided love that we could shower on Adam).
Alas I finally graduated from my 2-year course, armed with a Degree, a better job offer & fatter paycheck, (and plus the fact that I secretly yearned to smell a newborn again because I missed Adam's infancy), I caved in to Andy's wish to conceive again. It was perfect timing & all planned.


We recently went for my Week 36 checkup & my good Doctor passed me my admission letter to Mt Alvernia & asked if I've packed my hospital bag, and have we decided our birth plan - To try VBAC or Csect? Andy & I looked at eachother gobsmacked. I think I'll huff & I'll puff and I'll squeeze the baby out, does it sound like a solid birth plan??

Then I realized the hard truth - no amount of planning could ever prepare you for parenthood.

Parenthood is scary.
- It's about sleepless nights.
- Worrying about adequate milk supply/ proper latching techniques.
- Worrying about pooping too much/ too little.
- Putting someone else's fears & feelings before your own.
- Giving up buying that pair of Chanel shoes just so you can pay for something child-related, like Enrichment classes or a whole month's worth of milk powder & groceries.
- Cleaning up puke & curdled milk, and changing bedsheets at 2am because of a sick child and still struggling to work by 8am.
- Praying for peace and quiet but yet worrying when there's actual peace and quiet because your kid might be jamming his fingers in the sockets or busy doodling on your work documents.
- Going insane with that Barney song playing over and over on DVD.
- Getting extremely horrified at the wild toddler in the supermart who unfortunately belongs to you (I sometimes pretend I'm the Big Sister until I'm addressed as Mummy by that misbehaving toddler).

Suddenly, EVERYONE has an opinion on your pregnancy and child-rearing ways.
You know how those nosy pokers are ?
- If you're married they wanna know when you'll have a baby.
- When you have a baby they wanna know when you're having the next baby.
- And they also wanna know the genders & names.
- They offer you lots of unsolicited advice, even though the last time they were pregnant was at least 40 years ago.
- "If you have 2 boys nevermind can try for a girl for Number 3" (are you insane Aunty?!)
- "Are you going to breastfeed?" (What is it any of your business anyway unless you wanna help me breastfeed?)
- "You are so skinny and your Breastmilk looks diluted, are you sure you're feeding the baby enough?" That was what my MIL said to me. I simply asked her - did you breastfeed your 2 sons? To which she replied a 'No' & thankfully took the cue to shut the F up.
- "Why are you so insistent on breastfeeding? All 3 of you were formula-fed and still went to University." This came from my Mum and honestly if she weren't my mum, I would have stabbed her mouth with a fork. And stabbed her some more.
- "You should let the baby cry it out." This is the most Bullshit advice I ever heard. Babies want their basic needs met and crying is only communication they know. I can never cuddle my baby enough, and now he's a whooping 3 yr old who much prefers running around to cuddling in my arms. I'm glad I didn't buy that stupid advice. Whoever says that to me with Baby No 2 is gonna have me scream in their face.
- "You should let your child get used to eating some junk instead of organic food to build the immune system." So I have my own beliefs which may differ from yours and I really appreciate your kind advice but I think we are doing fine thankyouverymuch .

Of course there are the moments when my stinky 3 yr old promises to be good (even if only for a grand total of 5 min), and tells me he loves me, and the way he brushes hair off my face mimicking the way I do to his, telling me stories about how his day went at school at bedtime, and those precious moments that no amount of $$ can buy that only a parent could understand.
Makes me suffer selective memory-loss about the whole scary parenting affair.
I love you Adam Tan Tian Kai. Even if it's an emotional roller coaster ride every single day. You have no idea.

Our Maid agency

source: Google images

I received a few enquiries through the Blog comments and also from Facebook asking me maid-related questions, eg. which Agency I got my maid from, how much did we pay etc etc. so I decided to do a blog post on the Agency we chose, so as to minimise the inconvenience of readers having to email or private-message me on FB.

Before I go on, I would like to clarify that this post is not about advocating or lobbying for/against SAHMs/ FTWMs with helpers etc.

It was by chance and lots of Googling that I came across:
A. Pratama Employment Agency
Who to look for: Demond / Susan

Tel: 6297 6913
Office: Bukit Timah Shopping Centre (next to Beauty World) #02-45, 170 Upper Bukit Timah Road, Singapore 588179.
they open by appointment only as they are a husband-and-wife team, so please call to fix an appointment before you head down.
They do not advertise and prefer referrals by word-of-mouth so you may say Veron recommended you.

Our review:
Before we approached Desmond & Susan, I had called up several Big-name Maid agencies.
Most of them charged atrocious agency fees, and their maids came with loans of 6-8 months.

If you do the math, for eg. Agency fee $488 (cheapest I was quoted) + $400 (fresh maid w/o experience, 1 with experience could fetch $450) x 6 months upfront loan (the shortest loan quoted) = $2888 cash upfront to the Agency.
This is considering the cheapest possible option. Of course there are agencies who charged higher agent fees and/or longer maid loans. The longer the maid loan, the longer the maid has to work for you without a salary. Imagine working 8 months without getting paid.
And the amount above is only the Agency fee + maid loan.

Other costs incurred:
- Online Employer Orientation Program: a short course with quiz which is mandatory for all new first-time employers. $30.
- Maid insurance: Depending on the Insurance provider and the coverage, ranging from $280 - $310.

Total: easily $3300.

For us, we couldn't afford to pay the agency few thousands of dollars cash upfront before the maid even arrived in Singapore. Well we could, but we didn't want to. It just sounded like a big risky business and the agencies gave us the impression they were only interested in getting our $$.
Just think about it - What if we need to terminate her employment while still having an outstanding loan?!
So after finding out about Desmond & Susan, I called them and told them our situation - we have a 3 yr old and expecting another child soon, we need a helper to do mostly household chores & some babysitting when required.
Susan told us they deal mostly with Indonesian Transfer maids (who are mostly abused/ ran away from home/ worked for more than 1 household and found out by authorities/ rejected for whatever reasons) and asked me our requirements, which I stated as follows:
- Need to like working with children
- Responsible and mature, preferably already married with kid(s)
- Be able to speak both Bahasa & English (my MIL is Indonesian-Chinese but I can speak no Bahasa)
- Help with mainly housework and some babysitting
- We have a big dog who doesn't bite and she doesn't need to look after the dog

I called them on a Wednesday evening and our appointment was made that coming Saturday noon.
By Friday evening, Susan already SMSed me saying she has selected a few suitable candidates for us to interview when we go down. We were very impressed with her fast & prompt service.

When we went down, Desmond spent close to 2 hours explaining to us page-by-page the MOM requirements and the necessary 'admin' because Andy & I were first-timers and very blur. But they never lost their patience with us and made sure we understood what was expected.
In fact, we went down twice, a seperate time with my Mom and Adam to make sure they were both Ok with our shortlisted candidate. On both occasions, Desmond & Susan were very accomodating and Desmond even repeated all the T&C to my Mom.

Bottomline: Because our helper was a transfer maid with only 1-mth loan (out of goodwill to Desmond & Susan for helping her find re-employment), we only spent less than $1.5k in total for the Agency fee, Dwi's loan, Insurance etc, ie. Everything done under $1.5k and we got ourselves an experienced maid already available in Singapore ready to work for us and were provided excellent responsible service.

A further search revealed some reviews as follows:
source: KiasuParents forum


** Disclaimer: I will not hesitate to recommend Desmond & Susan to friends , relatives or anyone who asked me, but Maid agencies are like match-making companies. They help you find your "partner" but whether the "marriage" lasts is totally up to good faith and lots of luck.
Therefore, I wish you Best of luck if you're considering hiring help!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Bye bye work. See you in December!

I'm officially not working as of last week. Been given Hospitalisation leave till I deliver, so basically everyday I'm just sitting around waiting for "it" to happen. I'm currently 35-weeks. If Baby #2 decides to come on Week 37 like Adam, then it won't be long from now. *jitters*

Meanwhile, it feels terrific having the housework taken care of by our helper. I feel less tired and happier, having more time to rest and simply do nothing since I've been working full-time all the way up till recently, and having to deal with an active 3 year-old.

We should be mostly settled for now. Andy decided last minute to get a playpen instead of fixing up Adam's old cot because our bedroom is obviously too tiny, so we went out to buy a Graco Pack & Play Barcelona bluegrass. We haven't got down to fixing it up yet but I reckon it's rather easy peasy.

I guess I'll just enjoy the good times before having to deal with night-feeds and diaper-changing all over again.

P.S. Last night, as Andy & I were preparing to leave for dinner, Adam suddenly declared that he was tired and wanted to sleep. What surprised me was that that was actually the 1st time he said he wants to sleep because all along using the Zzzz word is like taboo to him. We need to go through a routine of watching 1 or 2 iPad movies, drink milk then followed by sleep. So yesterday was like skipping 2 steps and going straight to bed. Makes me feel that my boy is all grown up now, having a mind of his own and deciding things for himself.
I'm proud of him but at the same time sad to let his baby side go!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Toys for ma boys

My boys bought new toys over the past week. For Adam, it's a Mini Cooper remote control car.
He's generally not known to be careful with toys. I certainly hope he will treat it with TLC and not let it perform stunts from heights - table tops, bay windows, sofa.

For Daddy A, it's an Osim Uphoria massager because he has been complaining of tired feet.
I wonder who's the pregnant one?

On a side note.... here's Mr Busybody helping me to lay out the SkipHop floor mat. Kids and dogs have a thing in common - they like to inspect any new purchases in your home.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Update: 2 weeks of having live-in help

So far, our entire household has been enjoying the help of a helper.
Life with a helper has become almost like a luxury. We wake up to a clean house, breakfast, and I have someone keeping tabs on the perishable supplies in the fridge.
We also recently had some friends over for a bbq & compared to the last BBQ we had, this time was such a breeze because we had extra help - with the food preparation, serving, scrubbing of grease etc.
As for all the horror stories we hear about maids, well, nobody is perfect. Dwi is not a Superwoman. She makes mistakes here & there , for eg. She didn't clip the Laundry with pegs & during a heavy rain some lightweight clothes got blown off onto our aircon latch. And some other things, but nothing too major that I can't live with.
As for the little master? He's still not taking to her, but it's not bothering me much because the extra pair of hands around the house frees up lots of quality time for me & Adam. No more wishing he could sleep/nap so that I can sneak in time for chores. I can now concentrate more of my time on playing or reading to Adam. It's a win-win.

Here're some tips I gathered from friends & colleagues which I thought might be useful for Moms considering hiring helpers:
- Provide specific & detailed House rules from the 1st day eg. No kissing & sharing food with children? No using of hp during work hours? What are work hours? In my home it's 6am - 10pm (if she finishes her chores fast she can retire to her room earlier) with rest breaks during the day.

- Color code your cloths. This is important so she knows not to mix the toilet-cleaning ones with dish washing ones.

- Be prepared to demonstrate and ask her to return-demo or repeat your instructions for the 1st time doing something. Eg making milk or using washing machine.

- Give her a daily, weekly & 2-weekly schedule so she knows what is expected of her

- I don't allow her to open my wardrobes. Instead, I ask her to keep the laundry in & I'll put them back myself. I don't want to have a chance to ever suspect her. It's to protect the interests of both parties.

- I keep her passport in a seperate home (with my Aunt LY) becos my ex-supervisor had a maid who took off to her own home country after stealing her own passport & $10k worth of jewelry

So far so good, Dwi hasn't resigned yet, which is a good sign I suppose.
And frankly, I can't be bothered to worry anymore. I'll just enjoy the happy moment while it lasts!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Last leg of pregnancy

I'm 32W+ now, and I'm feeling more tired than ever. I am on leave this week due to the arrival of the new maid, so I spend most of my time sleeping and just resting in bed.
My back and pelvis are in immense pain, to the point where sometimes when I'm getting up it just catches me by surprise, the kind of paralysing pain which makes me feel like my lower body and upper body are gonna fall apart.

I've not been very mobile, I can't walk too much now, and even walking from Tampines Interchange to Century Square requires so much effort and I feel the constant need to sit down.

As for preparation for the baby's coming, well I've been far more relaxed this time. Or is it because my mind is willing but the body is not? I haven't packed my hospital bag yet, but good news is I managed to buy Adam's present (from his sibling), and also a button-down night dress for the hospital stay.

How's the Hubby prepared for the birth? I would say he's feeling very "pregnant" as well. These days he is always complaining of tiredness and goes to bed early.
And he's not talking coherently at times. For example we were discussing about Adam's birth and he asked me "Was Adam induced?" I was like "Are you nuts? He broke the water bag and when we reached hospital, they inserted a urine catheter for me and wheeled me off to OT already. Where were you?? Abducted by aliens?"

Ok. That's it for now. I'm feeling tired. Again. I need to go take a power-nap before picking Adam up from school. Ciao.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Maid updates

After growing up without a maid, Adam is still not used to the idea of live-in help yet.
Initial few days, he would ask me at bedtime, "Where is Aunty sleeping?", "Where is Aunty's home?" and I have to explain she's sleeping in his Play Room because she has no home and she needs a room to sleep, otherwise she will be very poor thing sleeping in the streets.

Another issue is, he's very annoyed with Dwi following him everywhere.
There are times when he prefers to play alone, but she'll be following closely behind him, which pisses him off.
She's making alot of effort trying to get Adam to accept her and play with her, but I pity Dwi, this boy of mine isn't one to suffer any fools.
He will growl at her (I think he learned the growling from Maverick), and if she doesn't back off, he will cry and shout for Mommeeeeee!!!!
On one hand, here's a 3 year-old who wants to explore independence and autonomy, and on the other hand, I have a helper who's trying so hard to win her new charge over. It sure is tough.

I have to constantly assure her to leave him alone to play on his own, even if he falls he has to learn how to get back on his own feet.
I certainly hope she gets the idea one day.
I see many maids chasing after running children these days - at parties, in malls, in general public - a far cry from the "children should be seen, not heard" generation I grew up in. If my brothers or I ever ran amock in public I think my Mum would have given us a good spanking and dragged us home immediately.
Maybe that's why the maids' mentalities nowadays is to follow their little charges everywhere, because God forbid these precious children suffer a scratch?
Classic scenario - Adam is playing with his helicopter, Dwi takes his aeroplanes and initiates play with Adam. Adam gets angry and asks her not to touch his planes and accuses her of "spoiling" his game because apparently it is about Helicopter and not Planes. If she doesn't back off, he cries for me. So far I've been the "referee" to their saga.
He scolds her "I don't want you, I want Mommy!" and things like "Go away!", "Don't touch my toys!", which makes me extremely mortified that my child is being so rude!!
I always explain to him that Aunty has no toys, she doesn't know how to play with toys, can you please share and teach her how to play??
It doesn't work all the time though. When he's already in the midst of his crying and tantrum, it's hard to get anything across his little mind.

** I need to work harder on this Adam vs Dwi issue.

Other than this, Dwi has been quite a good help in our household.
She finishes her cleaning and mopping early in the mornings, and by 7.15am she helps me in getting Adam changed to go to my MIL's (I change his clothes and remove his diaper, she helps me dispose diaper and takes clothes to be washed, since Adam won't let her touch him).
I also taught her how to use the Nespresso, so every morning Andy enjoys a mug of Nespresso and kaya bread.
She uses diluted Dettol to mop the floors, and I'm pleased that the house is so clean everyday that I can not bother about Adam rolling on the floor. In the past, nearing the day where my PT helper comes in every week, the floor would've been littered with hair and some dust.

It's still early days yet. I still have my fingers crossed everyday.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Andy's Grandma is 88!

Andy's Grandma turned 88 on Sunday and being the favourite great-grandson, Adam had the honor of blowing out all 8-big and 8-small candles on the shou tao (longevity peach) cake.
He was so enthusiastic about the birthday song and candle-blowing that he blew with all his might, sending saliva spraying everywhere. Hahas.

Created with Gifboom courtesy of Andy's cousin Florence

I love family get-togethers!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Day 1: New maid

We fetched our helper, Dwi, from the agency yesterday evening, and by the time we got home after dinner and grocery shopping, it was already 9pm.
I showed Dwi her room, and a simple orientation of the household (where are the switches / toilet/ broom/ mop etc) and told her to retire for the day.

This morning, she woke up at 6am without my instruction and started going about the chores - sweeping, mopping, cleaning common toilet, fixing breakfast for Andy (2 slices of kaya bread & juice as per Hubby's request), and making Adam's bed.
Later on I found out this was her previous household's schedule, which was totally fine by me.
Considering we were out of the house by 8am, she managed all those chores in 2 hours, that means she is quite a fast worker who has quite good time management.

I had initially asked my PT helper to come and show her how to do the chores in our home because I dont know what color cloths she uses for which part of the house.
But seeing that Dwi had already taken the initiative to do everything, our PT maid is not needed to come anymore.

When I woke up this morning, I passed her a notebook with Emergency Contact numbers - Mine, Andy's and my MIL's.
Also, I had 3 golden rules for her with Bahasa translation:
1. Safety / Keselamatan
2. Cleanliness / Kebersihan
3. Honesty / Kejujuran

As for my House Rules, actually also nothing much. Last night she wanted to help me tuck Adam to bed, but Adam didn't want her, so I told her that in the evenings, once she is done with her chores, she can retire to her room because I want to spend time playing and bonding with my child(ren).
This way, Andy & I would still have some privacy to watch TV, use laptop etc when we come home in the evenings.
Her main duty would be 80% household chores, and 20% babysitting when needed.
I'm still the very hands-on Mommy who prefers to do things for Adam on my own - from making his milk to story-telling to putting him to sleep.

As for her Time Table, I wrote down some simple guidelines according to Daily, Weekly, and 2-Weekly schedule. I told her that it is just a guide and if she encounters any problems she should always ask me.

- Handwash Adam's clothes
- Handwash her own clothes
- Sweep and mop floor areas and balcony
- Clean toilets

- Change floor rugs
- Do our laundry (washing machine)
- Change bath towels
- Vacuum floor
- Polish glass and mirror surfaces

- Change bedsheets

* and any other ad-hoc duties as and when required.

I told Dwi that if she has any difficulties or problems, she should always approach me and see if we can work out any solutions.

And how is our young master adapting to his new help?
He still needs to get used to her sleeping in his Play Room, and he doesn't want her to help him with even simple things like : shoes, making milk, playing with him.
I feel quite embarrassed that he's resisting Dwi's help but I told her he's shy and he is not used to it so give him some more time.

I need to say a HUGE THANK YOU to all my Mummy friends (real life and on Facebook) & colleagues who have hired help (I seem to be one of the few who has never hired help Haha) for putting up with my incessant pestering and questions, which gave me much headstart and anticipation of what to prepare/ expect. Thank you all who have contributed by commenting here or on FB, I'm truly grateful  :)
Hopefully she will be a good help to me. Fingers crossed.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Our helper is coming tomorrow

Our agency has called and said our maid application is approved, and we can fetch our new helper anytime this week.
I quickly SMSed my boss and let her know I need to take leave so she can make alternative arrangements at work.

I told the agent we'll go down to the agency tomorrow evening, so that means I have Friday up till the end of next week to help our new helper settle in and fix up a routine.
We tidied up Adam's Play Room as best we could (ie. by pushing all his toys to one corner of the room), bought her a foldable mattress, pillow, blanket, towels and other necessities.

I keep telling Adam about our "new Aunty" coming to help Mommy with the house work. He calls our PT helper "Aunty", so now I'm just introducing him the idea that a new Aunty is coming to stay with us and she is going to sleep in his Play Room.
How is he adapting to this new idea??
Not very good, I must say. Everytime I ask him about it, he keeps mum and I get no response.
It's already tough work getting him used to the idea that there's a baby inside my tummy that's gonna Pop out anytime soon, and now getting him used to the idea of a stranger coming to live in our home?
I need to work harder!!

Frankly, I'm all nerves as well. I've always highly regarded my privacy. I even leave our PT helper to clean up our house ALONE while we are away at work (my MIL comes to open the door for her and leaves her to do her job alone in our home). And now we have to actually adjust to having someone live in with us.
No more not locking of bathroom doors, no more walking around the house naked to look for my clothes, no more leaving valuables unlocked.

Along with that, I worry about the inevitable like - is she reliable? Will she be honest & hardworking?
I don't expect a super maid. I just hope she can be honest and clean that's most important when it comes to working in a household with children.

Oh well, we'll soon find out. Wish us all the best!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

3 is a fun age. Uh-huh.

Adam fell into our koi pond tonight when feeding them. He was with Andy (we don't allow him to be near the pond alone) when it happened and I was in the ktichen keeping the laundry when Andy shouted out to me "Hon our son fell into the pond".
I went "What are you talking about?!" because I can't believe how anything like that could have happened right under Andy's nose. (Wasn't he supposed to be babysitting while I'm doing the chores??) Obviously, it can. And it did.

Men..... *sigh*

Anyway the good thing was, Adam just climbed out of the shallow pond as if nothing happened.
The 1st thing Adam said to me when I rushed over was - "Mommy don't scold me". .. . The look of cheekiness and smugness on his face tells me he's Ok. And it also tells me perhaps Andy & Adam have shared many a secret moment like these when I'm not around. So after analysing my dripping-wet kid, my question was "Did the fishes die??"
I guess with a husband and kid like mine, I've been classically conditioned to believe that as long as the child is still breathing, and henceforth alive, then things are a-okay. (See? I even had the mood to snap a photo of the said wet kid!)

Seriously. 3 is the age where Adam thinks he is liberated enough to: cross the road without holding hands, say "No" to his parents, and fall into a pond and think it's funny.
What a fun age. Uh-huh.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Sleeping next to a Chain-saw. And some other updates.

Ladies, do your husbands snore??
Mine does. As a matter of fact, so loudly that I wake up with a start almost every night.
Last night, I was already in deep sleep when I suddenly got startled by the sounds of what seemed like "machine guns" - trr trr trr trr trr!
I jumped up and realised, in my half asleep stupor, that it was actually the Husband, sleeping on his back with his neck flexed and mouth wide open.
At times like these I'm tempted to smash his face with a frying pan or gag him with a table cloth, but I'm actually too tired to walk to the kitchen. Other times, I just smack him and ask him to turn over. Problem solved - temporarily - until he rolls onto his back and the symphonies of tractor roaring/ motor engines/ chain saw and machine guns start again.

I didn't used to be bothered by Hub's snoring, but lately I've been increasingly annoyed and sleepless because of my nocturnal polyuria and pregnancy-induced insomnia.
I get so frustrated at the lack of quality sleep that my only solution now - I bunk with Adam in his room. Adam would be sound asleep on his comfy single bed, so I have to make do on a mattress on the floor, but the peace & quiet I'm getting is priceless.

I hate to be sleeping away from the husband but right now I have no choice for my sanity's sake.

Summer heat
Not only do I get insomnia these days, but the blistering heat is getting to unbearable extremes as well. Even Adam thinks so. He actually gave up the choice of going to Explorer Kids and instead, opted to go swimming. Being in my 3rd trimester takes my body heat up another notch.
I feel so HOT and so burning that I can't even stand touching myself - whenever I place my palms on my face/ thighs/ neck/ limbs (Okay, EVERYWHERE and anywhere), I feel a burning sensation as if I'm setting myself on fire!
Oh gosh I love hiding in aircon comfort, at work and at home. If I have a choice, I'd rather hide in malls than go out in the sun.
I'm missing the year-end rain!

It's been almost 2 weeks now since we submitted our maid application but still no news from MOM.
I'm hoping things will speed up a wee bit so that I have some grace time to train her and let her settle into a routine and be used to our home before Baby No.2 comes along.
That way, she won't be too overwhelmed and honestly, I won't be so stressed up as well.
Fingers crossed.

P.S. It's gonna be July in a week and that means I'm already counting down to my EDD!
I'm so exhausted I can hardly wait!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Maternity shots

It's not fair, I didn't have any nice bump shots taken when I was pregnant with Adam. But that's because I wasn't into photography then. I hope Adam doesn't mind!

Children make us worried, sleep-deprived, our pockets poorer, homes messy, and they give us tons of those hair-pulling moments. If not for them being somewhat adorable and make us laugh sometimes, one would think we're absolutely insane to want a kid (only half joking). Now, we're even taking on TWO kids.
Parenthood - not for the faint-hearted.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

The life of a 3 year-old

Does turning THREE come with a newfound independence?
A mummy-friend of mine warned that if I think Terrible Twos are bad, I'd better beware of my kid turning 3, because that's when tantrums and opinions hit a new high.
I didn't really understand her at first, until now I'm experiencing for my very first time - the Throes of Three.

For eg, Adam will ask us where we are going? And if that place doesn't sound enticing to him, he will decide that he doesn't wanna: leave the house/ get off the car.
So if we have to go somewhere he really needs to go, like his 3rd year MMR vaccination & PD assessment, we have to tell him the clinic is filled with toys he doesn't have at home.
When he watches videos on his iPad, it's no longer "Adam, let's watch Incy Wincy spider", but instead, some nights it's Dinosaurs, or Madagascar, or Fireman Sam, or Sharks, which he decides for himself.
Lately- especially this week - he's been reluctant to go to school, finding all sorts of excuses in the mornings and he even said he wanna change schools (???!!!?!)
I dont know if it's due to the fact that I'm on HL this week so he wants to be with me, or is he just trying to reinstate to us that "Hey Mom I'm 3 and can decide for myself what I want to do".

Same goes for my cousin's daughter Emily who is only 1 day younger than Adam. In order to make her want to come to my parents', my aunt & cousin told her there're many toys there, but when emily arrived at my parents' to find that actually there are not many toys (most of which are destroyed by Adam/ thrown away/ taken home by Adam), she started questioning and got disappointed.

My child is no longer the sweet little baby who will go anywhere with us as long as there is a pram and milk. I guess sooner or later I will come to the stage where he will grow apart from Andy & I but deep down inside me, as a Mom, he will always be my baby no matter how old he is.

Anyway, just to sidetrack.. I've (secretly) snapped some photos of Adam at GUG. I've instigated convinced my neighbour to try out GUG for her 1yr-old daughter Lyndsey. She's been looking for enrichment programs to prep Lyndsey for full-day childcare when she hits 18-mths because my neighbour is now Preggers with No.2. So when she heard that I brought Adam to GUG, she was interested as well.
Doing some art & craft

Back at home...Can you guess what Adam is drawing??

Monday, June 11, 2012

Week 29: Antenatal update

Went for my antenatal appointment on Saturday. I'm now close to 29 weeks.
Another 10 weeks or so to go.
My back feels like it's falling apart, I waddle like a duck and I am trapped in a whale's body.

On the bright side, we managed to get a 3D picture of Baby no.2 sleeping very soundly in my tummy :)
My mum and Aunt LY think No.2 looks like Adam - the cheeks and small mouth.

We asked Dr Don the possibility of my opting for Elective Csect because I am not good with waiting games, and he said I still have time to decide, if I really want to go for a Caesar, then I have to be at least 38 weeks.
Dr Don then gave me 1 week HL to rest at home because the pain and aches are getting really, really unbearable.

Today, I awoke early and after dropping Adam off to school, I went back home and did lots of packing - I packed up my old nursing books into a box to be stashed into the storeroom, I organised some "unwanted" and "recyclable" trash into seperate bags (old bottles, Medela breast pump, Adam's old toys with missing parts, empty boxes of our home appliance purchases from a year ago, old clothes which I don't foresee myself wearing ever again)... It's amazing how much trash we've accumulated in the span of just one year!!

After packing up and organising, I changed Adam's bedsheets, did laundry, watered the plants, fed the fishes.... I think the nesting instinct is setting in.
Another 10 weeks to go... Hang in there Veron, you can do it!