Saturday, October 10, 2009

Foot Fetish

For the past week, Baby Kai has developed a new motor skill - feet grabbing & sucking.

He could do it all day...

How do the toes taste?
Gotta ask the acrobat.

I like this photo of Baby Kai and my Mum-in-law in (almost) matching colors :D
These days, we're eating alot of outside food because poor her cannot/too tired to cook.
She has her hands full with our Little Dynamite. I hope I can find a better-hours job real soon so that I have more time to look after this lil Rascal.
Meanwhile, kudos to this Super Granny who cleans, washes and looks after everyone in the family!

Mummy's tiny precious feet at rest.

Monday, October 5, 2009


So, this Mummy has gone back to work last week.
Work has been hell-ish. I miss Baby A like crazy and it doesnt help that with the restructuring and all, things are really quite sucky.
I have no time to eat or piss, not to mention go express BM. By the time Im home, my boobs already engorged and damn painful.

I've been busy with work, Baby A, Hubby and everything.
This week I'm attending a course at TTSH so it's office hours for me. My CPR license expires this month. Need to go on course again. (read: busy again)
Thankfully, Aunty LY comes over in the noons when she is free to help Andy's mum with the babysitting. Im lucky to have such a supportive family.
Will most probably be jumping ship to another hospital because of the shorter travelling distance and broader career prospects.
Sent out my resume today. It took me a good long hour to compose it! When was the last time I updated my resume? I honestly dont remember.

Hopefully things will go like clock work!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

First passport

Getting babies to take passport photos is not easy. Luckily for parents, digital photos are allowed. Phew~

Take 1: Erm, no son, thumb-sucking is not approved. How about a happy face?

Take 20: That's better! but too comical. Like Elmo in Sesame Street!

Take 101:

We 'll be flying first class on SIA Airbus A380 to Melbourne... Woo-whee!
We'll be taking the night flight which coincides with Cheeky mon-mon's bedtime and Cheeky mon-mon will be given a bassinet to sleep in beside Mummy's seat :D

Mr Chuckles

I'm having our guest, William, over this afternoon so I attempted to coax Baby Kai Cheeky Mon-mon (our baby speak for Monster) to take a nap so Mummy can play a nice host.
Seems like, he is enjoying the bouncing action of his hammock so much that he has turned the whole thing into a GAME!
He chuckled and screeched, clearly delighted by all the bouncing action.
Mummy then got influenced to join in his game as well, by playing Peek-a-boo and "tickle the baby" ... Doesnt look the least bit sleepy.
Hmm... time to rethink this hammock ploy??

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Personalised rompers for Prince Adam

Spent 2 hours at my beloved Charmaine's home today..
with Clare helping me with embroidering Baby Adam's new rompers.

The finished products:

I didnt know how hard it is to embroider rompers until today, though they are just simple words on tiny clothes.
Sorry Clare, I had to make you endure me for 2 whole hours! HEHE

After 2 hours, we both gave up! I was getting really hungry and tired staring at the threads..
Dear Charmaine will be helping me with the "Prince Adam" one..
Thank God for gal friends. They rock!

By the way, *someobody*'s been proposed to!! Isnt it exciting! Woot! *somebody* also owes everyone a HUGE explanation and first-hand stories :D

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Little family outing

I love weekends, it's the time when Daddy doesnt have to work so we can bring Baby A out.

I'm glad he enjoys his new car seat. But then again, there's nothing not to like!

We brought Baby A to Kiddy Palace to shop for his stuff, then to the nearby eatery for a meal. The entire level of the shopping mall was filled with parents and kids.
Andy & I grin like every proud parent whenever some stranger stops to touch our baby or smiles at us when passing by :D
Funny how I'm a completely transformed person now, when I used to think that kids were a nuisance! These days, Andy & I are always looking at other couples with kids and giving each other a knowing smile and exchanging ideas on parenting style, what stuff they are using which we might find useful, etc.

Baby A with Popo in matching polos:

Dressed in Carters top which Popo bought for Baby A: he is wearing 18-24M sizing now and there are no more "another size bigger" rompers for my wriggly baby *sob*. I dont really like putting him in seperates these days because the top always rides up whenever he is bouncing on our laps or wriggling to grab something.
Really miss his babyness..

In the evening it was dinner at Boon Tong Kee.

Towkay Adam at dinner with the old people (haha), entertaining himself

There is better use for the safety bar of the stroller: to rest his legs!

The waitress, waiters and soon-to-be parents at the table next to us were amused by all his blabbering and cheekiness!

We're super glad that Baby A is a sociable and outgoing bubs, and he has become so inquisitive of his surroundings, eager to find out everything about our huge, huge world.
So huge, yet so small. Perhaps huge and small are one, and all?

First food

4 Months is getting pretty exciting. Baby A is starting to drool whenever we eat, and attempts to reach out for everything within view to put into his mouth.
He has become so much more vocal, adding more vowels, chuckles and sounds into his vocab.
As you can imagine, we've been kept on our toes here!

We've also started him on his first semi-solids.. Isnt it exciting!

Mummy has been doing alot of reading up and preparation. This book has lots of Asian recipes and sample meal planners to help first-time parents.

Organic iron-enriched cereal.

Form & function: Carter's bibs. Terry clothed on the top and waterproof backed.

Opening his mouth wide wide and having his first taste of food!

"Ahh..mmmm"! He really loves his cereal. He polished the whole bowl with ease and could even finish his milk. WOW!

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Was supposed to bring Baby A to Ikea with us to do some shopping for our new home but just as Andy drove home to pick us up, Baby A decided it's time for a nap - in the evening.
One thing with kids, you cultivate a wry sense of humour because kids always choose the most inconvenient times to come up with something!

When he finally woke up, it was 9pm. Time for bedtime milk milk then off to bed he goes. By the time we tucked him into bed, it was already 10pm.
Thank goodness for the wonders of staying in the East - you get late night shopping and 24hour food :)

Baby A: all dressed up with nowhere to go.

We tucked our little one into bed and headed to Ikea for a quick walk-around.
We're a social couple and this lounge chair set looks casual enough for our spacious balcony when we have friends over whaddya think? :)
Too plain? Wood corrodes and a metal framed one with glass table is better? So many possibilities!

Furniture shopping with Hubby is fun! We love exchanging ideas on how to do up the deco, and it makes me happy whenever we see something we can both agree on.

Luckily for us, the kitchen department has been kindly taken care of by none other than my Mother dearest. She has already bought us a whole lot of kitchen ware that one can possibly imagine - pots, pans, slowcooker, etc which are all stacked up in her storeroom.

Im really eyeing my Dad's tube amp on which Baby A listens to Nursery Ryhmes in the comfort of his Fisher Price swing Heh heh..

Okays going to sleep now. More of home-shopping to come ^_^

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I'm back from the land of cheap spicy food and wholesale shopping!
I miss my baby sooo much. In fact, too much! We called home everyday to check on him and make sure he was Ok and happy.

I've been super busy since I am back, with my exploding mailbox full of emails from fellow Mummies regarding bulk purchases, sprees, recommendations and what-nots.

To Lea:
Yes the Rocker cum high-chair is a worthy investment especially when your baby has reached the age where she is super kpo about her surroundings, so she can sit up high high with the adults at the dining table. The swivel wheels are godsend because it allows you to wheel the high chair everywhere! Short of having handles for you to push like a stroller lah Hehehe

To CJ:
Thanks sweets for the offer but I just bought 2 bottles from Stonston from her recent order.
Thanks for replying though. Maybe next time! :)

Back to the real world of changing nasty nappies and being Baby Kai's personal assistant :)
Which reminds me, we are going to buy his new car seat tomorrow.
He has outgrown his infant one that my brother bought for him, and for those who are interested in which model we are upgrading to, it's the Maxi Cosi Priori XP
Thanks to Chris aka Nat-mummy's recommendation!

(photos courtesy of Toysrus)

- Forward facing
- Can be installed using 3-point seatbelt
- Adjustable 4 sitting/sleeping positions
- Newer improved model from the Priori.

Some people asked what I do with Baby Kai. Well, lotsss! I dont know where to begin.
He is one busy baby keke. These are some of the activities he does at home under my supervision:
- Flashcards
- Tummy time
- Sitting in rocker playing with his rattles/ teething hanky/ teething toy
- Playing in crib: FP kick piano, musical mobile
- Nursery rhymes time where Mummy launches into crazy dancing according to lyrics and ear-piercing singing.

Andy & I are thinking of signing him up for Baby Yoga too! Just some bonding time for us parents and our dear son. Will do a review of it once we find the time to bring him :)
By the way, Baby Kai just turned 4 Months old last week. Happy one-month-older, my dearest baby! Thank you for bringing so much joy into our otherwise mundane lives. Daddy & Mummy love you so much.

Bye lovelies!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Setting off on a jetplane

I ditched my LV shawl for my darling son's blankie. It is filled with his ru yi oil/ milk smells and I get an instant high just sniffing it.
This Mummy is suffering from seperation anxiety already!

I've got so many people in my shopping list this time.
Will be back on Monday night... until then..
Bye bye and enjoy your long weekend my loved ones!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My baby

sprawls his legs out and makes "swimming" movements like a turtle. He is learning how to crawl.

Here's looking at you, babe!

As sung by Daddy...

to Baby Kaikai:

Lou lou where is the Loo?
Lou lou I want to Poo
Lou Lou where is the Loo?
I bueh tahan loh...

Mummy asked: "How come you never skip to the Loo?"
Daddy replied: "Want to laosai already still skip. Wait all the sai come out ah."

ZzzzzzZzzz.. 0__O

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The most beautiful morning

The most beautiful morning is when you wake up to two of the people you love with your whole life, looking at you and smiling.

You are my Sunshine, my only Sunshine
You make me happy, when skies are grey
You never know dear how much I love you...

Face to face and heart to heart.

Notice how Adam has abandoned his pillow so that he can sleep closer to Daddy.

There's nowhere else I wanna be other than right here.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Happy Lunar 4th Month!

Baby Adam turned 4 months old according to the Lunar Calendar, and my fav Aunt LY came over early in the morning to pray, and it was the start of an overwhelming day for Baby Adam cos after that, he had to go back to my folks' to pray to our ancestors as well, followed by the inevitable shopping with my Mum.

As a custom, you need to put your 4 mths old (according to Lunar calendar) baby in a walker as a symbol of 快高长大 or "to grow up fast".
So here he is, in his new F1 wheels and trying to comprehend what all this is about!

The whole time he was mostly fixated on the gear-stick because it produces music when you "change gear"

Still fixated on the gear stick and driving his vehicle all over the place!

Technically, he is still only 3mths old, so although he can hold his head up and his feet can touch the ground, I think I will suspend his license for a couple of months before letting him drive again! Kiasi Mummy here.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Fit for a King

Ok, I said I will share some happy news, so here is the "Silver lining in every cloud" post :)

Lady Luck must've been smiling on us, because we won 4D!
We won Starters, and would have won 2nd prize as well if not for a jump in the digits.
But cant ask for more, and because Andy's folks also chipped in some $$, everyone made a little windfall :)

Part of the prize money goes to a new baby walker and a swinging high-chair!

Thanks to Baby Adam for always bringing us luck. This is the 2nd time we won 4D since the arrival of Baby Adam. The first time was on the day we bought his new rocker, and it was that very first time when we sat him down on the rocker while Andy switched on the telecast, our carplate number opened!

Adam's new wheels. Yes, this Daddy fell for the F1 hype.

His new high chair on swivel wheels. Just in time for weaning. Love the adjustable height so the dogs wont steal his food.

So how is our Lil Prince liking his new throne?

Fit for a King.


Trying to contain his excitement.

Then the whacky banging and shrieking that followed:

Mummy please dont go!

The past few days have been really heartbreaking.
We've been giving Adam lots of "prep talk" about me having to go back to work soon, and he hasnt taken to it very well. In fact, horribly!

He would wail on top of his lungs, bawl his eyes out till the vein on his right eyelid pops out.
Then he would refuse milk, and keep demanding for me to carry him and never want to be put down. The moment I carry him near his hammock or crib or start lowering him onto our bed, he will cry again.

So the whole day, I would be carrying him until he is exhausted from all that crying, then he will sleep for awhile, but only that short while. When he wakes up again, the whole cycle would start.

At first, we thought it was just pure coincidence, and how could babies understand?
But it happened 3 times on 3 different days and occasions so we dont want to take any chances.
Another incident which proves that babies understand what you're telling them is - My brother's gf Lipeng was carrying Adam when we went home over the weekend so everyone said "Oh, Kaikai go and stay with Aunty Lipeng in Jurong West for 1 mth" and Adam immediately started crying.

As a result, we've been really careful not to mention the words "Mummy" and "work" in the same sentence in case it set Adam off again.
Meanwhile, I've been really unrested trying to cajole my clingy on-a-hunger-strike baby!
It's also worth mentioning that my Adam isnt a crybaby to begin with, unlike some babies who cry for nothing/ colicky etc. He's mostly happy and smiley as you can see in his photos he is almost always smiling.
Therefore, when he cries so hard and so bad, you know he is really upset and that is heart-wrenching to us (Andy, his mum & I).
But I do have some happy news. That silver lining in the cloud. More about that in another post when I have time!
*scoots off to cajole Adam*

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Down memory lane

During our free time for these 2 days, Baby Adam & I have been doing a little project called the Memory Album :)
I will put him on his rocker and show him his neonate photos and tell him stories of when he was born etc.

Inside this album there are columns for memories like:
How Daddy & Mummy met, when Baby was conceived, names we considered, Birth story, Baby shower etc.

There is even a mess-free ink pad for taking baby's hand and foot prints.
Of course, with a wiggly messy 3 mth old, how mess-free can one expect?

Here's what happened to the "mess-free" ink pad: LOL

It looks like Baby Adam has 6 toes.. and I bet you dont want to see the hand-print one!
Baby Adam then clapped his feet together, smudging ink all over his legs, and as if to add a finishing touch, he promptly put his inky hand into his mouth.

I laughed so hard at my messy baby and that made Baby Adam chuckle as well :D
Both Mummy & Baby had a fun time cleaning up and piecing the Memory Album together with the hand & foot prints, his ultrasound scans and his truckload of photos, as well as writing the stories inside.

The finished product:

Monday, September 7, 2009

Overcome with sadness

I'll be going back to the workforce in Oct.
Yes. That's right. 5 months of leave would have gone, just like that. In a flash.
What's 5 months compared to a lifetime of growing up with my baby, watching him develop and being there to witness his milestones?

I feel so sad as I'm typing this. As I imagine waking up in the wee hours of the morning, leaving my sleeping angel for work, I feel overcome with sadness. This reluctance is enough to make me cry.
In Andy's and my opinion, I am the best person to bring up our baby.
We have our own ideals in bringing up Baby Adam. Our own folks may not agree with our way, but it is nonetheless, our way.
For eg:
- No TV for Baby Adam. He is too young to understand anyway. But because his rocker is in the living room, he is "forced" to watch TV with the adults. I cant change this unless Im at home to stop the adults from overdoing it.

- We decide to wean him when he is 5mths old. Not too early, not too late. When that happens, he will only get baby-specific food. That means, no keropok crumbs, chewed-up noodles, kuey teow tng or anything that sort! I've already warned my parents about this. Andy's mum told me she fed KFC whipped potato to Andy and his brother when they were weaning. Yikes!
If she feeds KFC whipped potato to my son, esp when Im at work, you can be darn sure I will SCOLD her profanities till she turns upside down and never let her feed Adam again.

- Both Andy & I need to be congruent in disciplining Baby Adam. We need to let the Grandparents know that they shouldnt interfere in our way of upbringing, esp not in front of Adam and giving our son mixed messages.

- Most importantly, Andy's mum needs to do housework so I doubt she can give our baby the quality time like teaching him Flashcards and letting him learn through play.

Well, more to worry about in due course..

Meanwhile, my bosses have been kind to let me be on long leave. From my pregnancy till now, I've been away from work for 7 months!
I've not quit my job yet. Andy and I decided that I should at least try going back to work.
If I change my mind, if things dont work out, or if his mum cannot handle all the housework and the baby, then I can quit my job and become a SAHM, for good.

I seriously wonder how those Yummy Mums in Harpers Bazaar Baby magazine do it!
How do they go from boardroom to home with 2,3 kids and still manage everything so well?!
They must have hired Super Nannies or Power Maids.

In the meantime, I will treasure the last full month I have with Baby Adam till I go back to work!